VistaJet - Evolution Of Private Airtravel

I recently designed and art directed this fun infographic with my friends over at Alphagrid. The idea was to create a parallaxing timeline that created an immersive and interactive experience for the user.

IMG European Tour

A few frames from a dead pitch. Who doesn't love a good leaderboard...


Right Sizing

I had fun designing and art directing this little video about food and portion sizes. 


Alamalaka Jordan Pitch

Pitch I worked on with Ian Wormleighton on a Jordanian current affairs and news channel. We worked on idents, OSP and news package. 

New package, OSP system and idents. 

New package, OSP system and idents. 

Midtown Logo Development

Some logo development I did for Midtown, a place brand in Central London. They ended up going for different creative and have since rebranded, but this was still fun to work on.

The elegant route

The elegant route

I am here: the location marker

I am here: the location marker

bbc 2 - the big 5 0

BBC 2 needed a logo for it's 50th birthday party! I developed this for the lovely Jane Wyatt over at BBC creative. Making use of the patch I created an animated version of the logo to go on on air promotions and marketing materials. 



This was a fun brief that I worked on with the lovely Konrad Wielandt @Wielandt Gmbh, formerly of Alpenblick. I developed the concept and he then created an OSP system that can be automated through scripts and AfterEffects. Clever stuff. 

SRF Zwei.001.jpeg

SRF Gipfelstürmer

Some styleframes I worked on for the Gipfelstürmer title sequence for the Swiss Public Service Broadcaster SRF. Directed by Kondrad Wielandt and produced by Alpenblick@BDACreative in Munich.

Some logo development

Some logo development